Sponsored Residential Services

Private homes licensed under Heart Havens

Expanding our mission

Heart Havens has been providing group home residential services for 25 years. We are opening a Sponsored Residential Services to expand our mission of empowerment to individuals who have a higher level of support needs or a preference for living with a host family rather than in a traditional group home model. 

Sponsored providers can be a family, couple, or single person who live in a home or apartment. They are nurturing, comfortable, and welcoming residential options for individuals with disabilities that focus on meeting the unique needs and preferences of each resident while providing comprehensive care.

Sponsored residential differs from group homes in that it provides opportunities for an even more person-centered approach. This is because, in a sponsored residential home, there is no more than two individuals living in the home receiving waiver services.

If you are a sponsored provider, or are interested in becoming a sponsored provider, Heart Havens offers a supportive atmosphere and a team with years of experience for which you can depend.

For information on becoming a sponsored residential provider or receiving sponsored residential services please fill out the forms below.